
The demon lovers : a psychosexual study of witchcraft and demonology / by Joseph R. Rosenberger ; introduction by Karl von Gottlieb. (OCLC #52633985)

RDA 7.7 (Intended Audience) is the class of user for which the content of a resource is intended, or for whom the content is considered suitable. It may be defined in many ways, including by age group (e.g., children, young adults, adults), and may be taken from any source.

This piece states its intended audience directly on the cover (“Positively adults only!”) so we could record that in the new MARC 385 field (defined in Tech Bulletin 264), as well as in the Audn fixed field (“e”).

In RDA, Intended Audience is not generally considered core, but for LC, it is core for books intended for children; for NLA it is core if readily ascertainable. This book is not intended for children, and we don’t consistently code the element (or consider it important for selection in our library) so I did not record this information when upgrading the master record.

(As a bonus, a previous patron has helpfully scribbled the review “Garbage!” on the title page of our local copy!)

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