Ўзбек тили дарслиги : бошланғич мактабнинг тўртинчи синфи учун / М. Шамс, Т. Содиков. (OCLC #922535817)
The title page of this has the phrase “fourth class” spelled out (“тўртинчи синфи”), but on the cover it is abbreviated (“4-синфи”). The LC-PCC PS for RDA 2.3.6 on Variant Title says they are only core for rare materials, but NLA PS considers most types of variant titles (including cover titles) to be core. I recorded this one to aid in searching:
246 14 ǂa Ўзбек тили дарслиги : ǂb бошланғич мактабнинг 4-синфи учун 246 14 ǂa Ŭzbek tili darsligi : ǂb boshlanghich maktabning 4-sinfi uchun