
ספר מורה נבוכים /להרב משה בן מימון ; … בהעתקת הרב ר’ שמואל אבן תיבון ; עם ארבעה פירושים … אפודי, שם טוב, ן’ קרשקש, אבברבנאל. (OCLC #29328452)

We found copy possibly matching this book, but without strong skills in Hebrew, and so much omitted (using …) from paragraphs on the title page, how to be sure?

Fortunately, the copy also included a link to an electronic copy online, including the title page, which was an exact match:

856 41 ǂu

Hebrew gifts are coming! Sing-a-long staff meeting?

(I kid, I kid)

We are going to all have to learn the alphabet again, though.


ארצינו : ספר מקרא על פי הנושא המרכזי לשנת הלמוד השניה או השלישית / מאת צבי שפרשטיין :ציר בידי אשר פורסט (OCLC #649829978)

When reaching the last mile of a big messy project, I recommend addressing any problem titles while the material is still fresh in your head, rather than letting them cook on the shelf for a while. In the meantime, you might forget not only how to type in that alphabet, but even how to copy and paste it.