
The state houses of South Carolina, 1751-1936, by A.S. Salley, secretary, Historical commission of South Carolina. (OCLC #4226400)

Do you have any piles of mysterious work that have been lurking on a nearby shelf so long that nobody remembers why they are there? Today I am attacking one of those!

This bound pamphlet looked straight-forward enough: clear cover title, call number on the cover, barcode in the back – but the cover of the pamphlet actually contains no pages!

On the shelf under that call number was another pamphlet binding that now contains the pamphlet’s contents. It also has its own barcode too; in fact, both barcodes are attached to the same item in Voyager (one inactive).

I removed the cover’s barcode from Voyager, and discarded that item, after marking out the barcode sticker and call number so that it does not get rescued from the trash and returned to the book drop.

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