安妮日记 / 安妮 · 弗兰克著 ; 奥托 · 弗兰克, 米莉亚姆 · 普雷斯勒编 ; 高年生译. (OCLC #436270933)
I classed this diary of Anne Frank (translated to Chinese from the original Dutch) under DS135.N6 (The Jews, Netherlands, Biography and memoirs) to parallel what Libray of Congress did – so why does Anne Frank have a class number in her authority record (PT5834.F68: under Dutch authors, 1800-1960)?
It turns out that Anne Frank did author more than her diary, and these works, along with any criticism of those works are classed there. There is a spot under this classification for autobiography (PT5834.F68 Z46) but the DS classification is probably more helpful.