
The Oxford handbook of regulation / edited by Robert Baldwin, Martin Cave, Martin Lodge. (OCLC #435418068)

Why does the paperback record have a series statement that’s not on the piece, and an edition statement that’s never explicitly stated?

Doesn’t matter. The differences between the paperback and hardback are not major enough to justify a new OCLC record. We can just view this as a new printing, and use the (more popular and in some ways better matching) hardback record.


What happened to all of those catalog cards when we started using an ILS?

For our Special Collections, we kept them.  We are now making sure that all of the data from the stamps and hand-written notes are present in the (electronic) catalog before we forget what codes like “OCB” used to mean.


Bourbon County, Kentucky / Bost and Associates (OCLC #81497641)

This book needs a call number? No problem. Oh, that whole shelf of them just need call numbers? What a great project for our graduate assistant!


Русские : этнокультурная идентичность / отв. ред. И. В. Власова. (OCLC #867156047)

This one was a rush, and in Russian, no less! Cataloging Russian books can be tricky; not only do you get to type half of the description twice (once in transcribed Cyrillic, once Romanized) but there are also extra rules for subject analysis. (Thanks for the great explanation, Indiana!)

This particular title is about historical and contemporary ethnography, so gets a tripled heading.


Futures / UK Design, SCI FI

It’s bad enough when a book doesn’t have a title page; what about when the title page is wrong?

See how I handled this one on the blog.