
La Capponiera / Girolamo Muzio ; con un’introduzione all’autore, all’opera, testo e note a cura di Beatrice Paolozzi e Riccardo Fubini. (OCLC #983213005)

RDA 2.12.9 on Numbering within series points to the general guidelines for Numbers expressed as numerals or words (RDA 1.8). RDA 1.8.2 on Form of Numerals has the general instruction to recording the numbering in the form preferred by the cataloging agency (like Arabic numerals) but includes alternatives to record numbering as it appears on the piece, as has been done in this case:

    490 1_ ǂa Studi / Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere La
        Colombaria ; ǂv CCXVI

Another alternative allows additionally adding numbering in the form preferred by the cataloging agency, bracketed to indicate that that form was taken from outside the source, like:

    490 1_ ǂa Studi / Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere La
        Colombaria ; ǂv CCXVI [216]