Aiol : chanson de geste (XIIe-XIIIe siècles) / éditée par Jean-Marie Ardouin d’après le manuscrit unique BnF fr. 25516. (OCLC #949848973)
For most sets, we try to record the enumeration on individual volumes as it appears (or as an abbreviation of how it appears) on the piece. For example:
- Volume 1 – v.1
- 2 – no.2
- Tom 3 – t.3
- Band 4 – Bd.4
This set used an unusual enumeration: a single * for the first volume, and two of them (**) for the second volume. It appears that way on both the spines and title pages.
In odd cases like this, we default to numbering as volumes: v.1, v.2