
Pa negre [videorecording] = Black bread / Cameo ; Isona Passola presenta una producció de Massa d’Or Produccions ; en producció associada amb Televisió de Catalunya amb la participació de TVE ; una pel lícula d’Agustí Villaronga ; guió i direcció, Agustí Villaronga ; productora, Isona Passola. (OCLC #758283201)

Though many people do DVD copy cataloging based only on the container, I have better luck finding good records, especially for foreign language materials, viewing the title frames of the DVD. Some days this means I get to watch the first few minutes of every Korean film in the box, which is a bonus.

This particular item says “Pan negro” on the container, but “Pa negre” in the title frames. Both forms of the title are in the high-quality record I found, but only “Pa negre” appears in its Title column in OCLC search results. One could have found the best/popular record by searching “pan negro”, but would have to be careful to not ignore the other form in search results (keeping in mind that translations may look significantly different).

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