
Икота : мифологический персонаж в локальной традиции / Ольга Христофорова (OCLC #871437486)

This book about demonic possession (or “Demoniac Possession” in LCSH) has a title proper which also translates to “hiccups”. Though the two are linked, a bit of reading confirmed that the word had another specific meaning: the Slavic concept of “ikota” is similar to the Jewish “dybbuk”, both being spirits that possess and control people. (Hooray for subject cataloging to distinguish between the two!)

I am somewhat relieved that the book is about demons, because I wouldn’t know where to classify a non-fiction book primarily about hiccups in LC; maybe with other reflexes or spasms, or with the diaphragm? I searched OCLC and found only a few non-fiction works (none classed in LC); mostly I found folklore and juvenile fiction. With all due respect to the hiccupotamus, this seems like an oversight.