
Nachalo ochenʹ khoroshego letnego dni︠a︡ : (simfonii︠a︡) ; Otet︠s︡ i dochʹ ; Svi︠a︡zʹ ; U Kolkova zabolela ruka / Daniil Kharms ; risoval Stansilav Zhit︠s︡kiĭ. (OCLC #38698598)

This set of books is published in a case together; though it has no collective title for the set, we can still catalog the books together on one record. All titles are included in the title field, separated by semicolons (ISBD

    245 10 ǂa Nachalo ochenʹ khoroshego letnego dni︠a︡:
        ǂb (simfonii︠a︡) ; Otet︠s︡ i dochʹ ; Svi︠a︡zʹ ; U Kolkova
        zabolela ruka / ǂc Daniil Kharms ; risoval Stansilav 

which may only provide title access to the first title in the list. OCLC’s Bib Formats documentation for 246 clarifies that “for items including several works but lacking a collective title, field 246 is used only for titles related to the title selected as the title proper, usually the first work named in the chief source of information. Titles related to other works are recorded in field 740”:

    740 02 ǂa Otet︠s︡ i dochʹ.
    740 02 ǂa U Kolkova zabolela ruka.
    740 02 ǂa Svi︠a︡zʹ.

K otázce pronikání německého imperialismu na jihovýchod v období před rokem 1918 = Zur Frage des Vordringens des deutschen Imperialismus nach dem Südosten im Zeitabschnitt vor 1918 / Zdeněk Jindra. Iredentistická činnost nacionalisticky̌ch němců ČSR a jejich podpora imperialistickými a militaristickými kruhy německa v letech 1918-1923 = Die irredentistische Tätigkeit der nationalistischen Deutschen in der Tschechoslowakischen Republik und ihre Unterstützung durch die imperialistischen und militaristischen Kreise Deutschlands in den Jahren 1918-1923 / Koloman Gajan. (OCLC #869969589)

This was the only volume of this series (in our collection) that did not have its own unique title. It seemed messy to just have it as the only volume on a serial record, and a “Philosophy and History. no. 2” style monograph title didn’t seem much better, so I considered the piece to be collection of two articles with no collective title. That choice, plus the parallel titles, makes this the longest 245 I’ve seen in recent memory. (I wonder what the longest one in my catalog is?) It is also a nice reminder that 245ǂc is “Statement of responsibility, etc.” because it can also include additional titles and their subtitles, parallel titles, statements of responsibility, etc.

Connexion was initially upset with me for including both Polish and German accented characters in one field, so I had to hunt them down and convert them all to MARC-8 style combination. Thanks to the speaker at Midwinter who told us about Connexion’s “Edit -> MARC-8 Characters -> Verify” function, this will go more quickly next time!