
Home energy : products & ideas. (OCLC #10016922)

I picked this catalog out of the pile of gifts, certain that it would need original cataloging, as most individual issues of serials seem to.

Lucky Friday though…I found a record! GZF (L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library) had already created a record for this particular issue!

500 __ ǂa Vol. 1, no. 2 (1983-84)--of Home energy
    (ISSN 0739-5469).

Yay for cooperative cataloging!


Les Prix Nobel. (OCLC #1644058)

We already own quite a few volumes of this serial, as described in the holdings record:

  866	31 ǂa 1948-1975,
  866	31 ǂa 1977-1980,
  866	31 ǂa 1982-1983,
  866	31 ǂa 1985-1986,
  866	31 ǂa 1988,
  866	31 ǂa 1990-2000

Note the multiple lines ending in commas, indicating gaps in our collection. We recently received a gift of four more volume (1981, 1984, 1987, 1989), so I got to rewrite the holdings as:

  866	31 ǂa 1948-1975,
  866	31 ǂa 1977-2000

So satisfying! Maybe someday 1976 will arrive and tidy things further.


The unreliable bestiary : an ark of stories about animals, our relationships with them, & the world they inhabit / Deke Weaver. (OCLC #957129744)

We got several of these DVDs in our fine arts library, parts of the Unreliable bestiary, a series of performances about endangered species and their habitats, one for each letter of the alphabet. So far, we had wolf, bear, elephant.

So how to catalog? One record per animal? All together as a set? As a serial?

We felt that not much would be gained by cataloging the pieces on individual records; our cataloger in the Fine Arts library said their patrons would be most interested in knowing about the performances as a group (and we found it less likely that researchers on wolves, bears, elephants would benefit from subject access for their particular animals), so we decided to catalog them together. As the series has a pre-determined (if far-off) ending, we don’t consider this a serial, and cataloged the works as a set.


Orientalia. (OCLC #2670229)

What’s going on with (our gift copy of?) this journal?

Many issues have in their table of contents a bibliography with separate pagination (decorated by *) but we don’t have those pages. They are available from JSTOR though, so I know they exist.

Were these published in a separate volume, that the previous owner just chose not to bind in there?


Legislation on foreign relations through … / Committee on Foreign Relations, Committee on International Relations. (OCLC #3700343)

When cataloging serials already in the collection, we check surrounding areas on the shelf to make sure that any missing volumes have not just been misshelved. We sometimes find them, but this is the first I’ve seen with an explanatory note. Scrawled on the head (top of the text block): “Today is my last day in this work”.


Transition metal chemistry. (OCLC #1330684)

Serials can have many titles associated with them, including the Title proper:

245 00 ǂa Transition metal chemistry.

There is also Key Title, which is the unique name assigned to a resource by an ISSN registration agency:

222 _0 ǂa Transition metal chemistry ǂb (New York, N.Y.)

There is also the Abbreviated title, used for indexing or identification:

210 0_ ǂa Transit. met. chem. ǂb (N.Y.N.Y.)

Korea annual. (OCLC #1048667)

Titles can be deceiving – this volume (“42nd edition”) from 2013 is the first one published since 2004 (“41st edition”). I was initially unsure if it was part of the same serial (as I could not find an ISSN on it) but the National Library of Korea’s record has them on the same record, with the note “non-published: 2005-2012”.

I edited our local copy accordingly, and replaced our 2004 copy in Reference with the most current version.


Statistics of the presidential and congressional election of … / compiled from official sources … under direction of … clerk of the House of Representatives. (OCLC #11573029)

RDA on recording Frequency (310 in MARC) gives a list of terms which includes “annual”, “biennial”, and “triennial” but has no term matching this serial’s frequency (once every four years). RDA says in that case (when none of the terms is appropriate or sufficiently specific) to record the details in a Note on frequency, which is also recorded in a 310:

310 __ ǂa Quadrennial

Naval Digest indices (1970-1979) / Allan S. Rehm [and others]. (OCLC #18772227)

I couldn’t find where we had any volumes of the title “Naval Digest”, so dug through the V schedule looking for a general Naval Science research number (leaning toward V394).

I ran this past my supervisor, who works more with serials; she read several more pages into the index, and found that the serial title is actually Морской сборник, and we have a decent run of it!

I brought in a separate bib record for the index (it has a separate publisher than the serial title), but classed it nearby:

V5 .M8 Index 1970/1979

US Army, Navy, Air Force, 1970-1972 / ǂc составитель И. В. Модестов. (OCLC #900740312)

Ugh, sorry. I made a monograph record for this volume before realizing that it was part of the serial “Foreign military news”, of which we already have a partial run. It looks very similar to those other pieces, except that they all say “Foreign military news” across the top; this one does not say it anywhere. The title page does have its parallel title “Зарубежная  военная хроника” and “(на английском языке)” (in English), and the dates seem right. The record I derived from also had “foreign military news” in an 830.

Unfortunately the title is slightly too old (1973) to have an ISSN, which was not published as an ISO standard until 1975. I am pretty confident about adding the volume to our serial record though. Sorry about adding the weirdo “no holdings” record to OCLC.