
The long road / Rod Smith ; series editors, Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter. (OCLC #251337940)

This reader contains a CD-ROM with audio of the book and interactive activities, but it is primarily a book, so is cataloged as such; that is, the leader marks it as Type: a, BLvl: m and the 008 fixed fields are coded accordingly (“Books” workform in OCLC).

It also has aspects of a Computer File and a Sound Recording that we would have recorded in an 008 had those been the primary aspects, but instead we record them in 006 fields. This 006 for the Computer file aspect (m) marks File (008/26; 006/09) as interactive multimedia (i):

    006  m        i

This 006 for the Sound Recording aspect (i) marks audience (Audn) as juvenile, literary text (LTxt) as language instruction (j), and most others, like format of music (FMus), as not applicable (n):

    006  innnnj       j  n 

That was in the copy, anyway, I changed it locally to remove the juvenile audience designator (that code is for interest level, not reading level) and added LTxt biography (b):

    006  innnn        bj n 

Additional properties for the Electronic Resource aspect can be recorded in the 007:

    007  c ǂb o ǂd c ǂe g ǂf a ǂh m
  • ǂb o – optical disc
  • ǂd c – multicolored
  • ǂe g – 4 ¾ in. or 12 cm
  • ǂf a – sound
  • ǂh m – multiple file formats

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