An… / ē Village parousiazei mia paragogē tēs Village Plus ; executive producer, Kōstas Sousoulas ; senario-skēnothesia, Christophoros Papakaliatēs. (OCLC #983819304)
I am puzzled by the aspect ratio on the container of this DVD:
Εικόνα 16:9/2.35
I know that 16:9 is a common ratio for film, and that appears to be the ratio of the whole screen that displays on my computer including the black letterbox bars (the bars stay, even if I re-size/re-shape the window). So why 2.35? I understand that this is terminology for anamorphic format and that the ratio is complicated, but the aspect ratio of the picture itself appears closer to 2:1 (I held up a ruler to the screen and measured) than to 2.35:1.
So I’m still not sure what the data on the container means, but it is definitely wide screen (ratio is 1.5:1 or greater), so I recorded this as:
500 Wide screen. 500 "Εικόνα 16:9/2.35."
Any thoughts?