
Venice lessons : industrial nostalgia : teaching and research in architecture / [editors, Harry Gugger [and five others]]. (OCLC #967143333)

This nice book showed up as a problem this morning. It seemed fine at first glance: a nice title page and verso matching the information on the cover, including title, author and publisher, and an ISBN (on the back cover and front matter), all matching the content in this DLC record.

BUT that record (and similar ones) all described a resource with around 60 pages, where the one in hand had 216 pages. Indeed, only about the first 60 pages appear to be children’s book material; there’s no new title page after that, but the content changes to a more serious work about the historic architecture of Venice; I’d have thought it was a bound-with, given the tape binding, but the pagination is continuous.

We found a record that matched the whole piece in hand, and included as explanation:

500 __ ǂa Contains no title page, title from cover.
500 __ ǂa "This is Venice", by Miroslav Sasek's is reprinted in its entirety and published 2016 as part of the larger work "Venic Lessons".

There was no second title page for the actual title of this book (“Venice lessons : industrial nostalgia : teaching and research in architecture”), only tiny print on the cover that is now mostly obscured by our barcode. Maybe there was a dust jacket that didn’t make it to cataloging? Also, a closer look at the children’s book content reveals added annotations in lighter print throughout.

To aid future catalogers who receive this piece, we’ve added the barcode from the front matter/back cover as an invalid barcode:

020 __ ǂz 9780789312235

and also a cover title:

246 3_ ǂa This is Venice

An… / ē Village parousiazei mia paragogē tēs Village Plus ; executive producer, Kōstas Sousoulas ; senario-skēnothesia, Christophoros Papakaliatēs. (OCLC #983819304)

I am puzzled by the aspect ratio on the container of this DVD:

    Εικόνα 16:9/2.35

I know that 16:9 is a common ratio for film, and that appears to be the ratio of the whole screen that displays on my computer including the black letterbox bars (the bars stay, even if I re-size/re-shape the window). So why 2.35? I understand that this is terminology for anamorphic format and that the ratio is complicated, but the aspect ratio of the picture itself appears closer to 2:1 (I held up a ruler to the screen and measured) than to 2.35:1.

So I’m still not sure what the data on the container means, but it is definitely wide screen (ratio is 1.5:1 or greater), so I recorded this as:

    500  Wide screen.
    500  "Εικόνα 16:9/2.35."

Any thoughts?


Momentos fugaces / ǂc Paloma del Sol. (OCLC #982374430)

Given the cute birds on the cover, odds seemed decent that “Paloma del Sol” (“Dove of the Sun”) was the title of this book, but she is the author, and “Momentos fugaces” is the title.

The author is from Equatorial Guinea, a country in Africa with Spanish as its national language, so this book will be classed in Library of Congress’s PQ (Spanish literature schedule) in the section for Spanish literature outside of Spain. That area has substantial granularity for some continents (like Europe and South America, where one can divide up individual authors by which country they are from) but less so for other continents, like Africa. I classed the book under PQ8619 for authors from Africa, cuttered by the author’s last name:

    PQ8619.S65 M66 2015

田舎のネズミと町のネズミ : イソップ物語より = The town mouse and the country mouse / NPO多言語多読再話・監修 ; 玉木玲子挿絵.(OCLC #951610771)

裸の王様 = The emperor’s new clothes / アンデルセン原作 ; NPO多言語多読簡約・監修 ; 佐々木英子挿絵.(OCLC #951610783)

Recently on twitter, @OpOnions asked:

So who knows why “Aesop’s fables” is a 130 rather than a 100/240 name/title combo?

One proposed reason was that Aesop was the collector / compiler of the collection of stories, so it might be reasonable to list him as creator of the whole collection, as in:

100 0_ ǂa Aesop, ǂe compiler.
245 10 ǂa Aesop's fables / ǂc Aesop ; illustrated by Ernest Griset ;
    introduction and notes by Edward W. Clayton.

if not for individual tales, but I more often see this uniform title even for collections:

130 0_ ǂa Aesop's fables. ǂl English.
245 14 ǂa The fables of Aesop, and others / ǂc with design
    on wood by Thomas Bewick.

The name authority record for Aesop does include a usage note:

Do not use as main entry for Aesopic fables, which should normally be entered under a uniform title. Do use as added entry for editions in which Aesop is prominently named (e.g. an edition with title: Aesop’s fables)

Following this convention, individual tales get their own uniform titles, as in:

130 0_ ǂa Country mouse and the city mouse. ǂl Japanese.
245 10 ǂa 田舎のネズミと町のネズミ : ǂb イソップ物語より = The
    town mouse and the country mouse / ǂc NPO多言語多読再話・監修 ;

In contrast, Hans Christian Andersen did write the individual stories in his collections, so translations of his individual stories have this coding:

100 1_ ǂa Andersen, H. C. ǂq (Hans Christian), ǂd 1805-1875,
    ǂe author.
240 10 ǂa Kejserens nye klæder. ǂl Japanese
245 10 ǂa 裸の王様 = ǂb The emperor's new clothes /
    ǂc アンデルセン原作 ; NPO多言語多読簡約・監修 ; 

Oscar and the moth : a book about light and dark / Geoff Waring. (OCLC #144228097)

In our Education Library, we classify many picture books as non-fiction, under the subject they are intending to teach. This book is clearly fiction (as our technician pointed out, that cat would have eaten that moth instantly!) but the intent is to teach about the scientific topics of light and dark, so it will be classified with this topic:

    J535 WAR

Dewey 535 is for “Light and related radiation”.


Hidden figures : the untold true story of four African-American women who helped launch our nation into space / Margot Lee Shetterly. (OCLC #964450826)

The appearance of an 066 field:

066 __ ǂc (3

in a record where you don’t expect to see non-Latin characters (in this case, Arabic) can be a clue that something has gone wrong with migrated or pasted-in text. This record includes this sentence in its summary:

Before John Glenn orbited the Earth or Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, a group of professionals worked as (ٍآبأٍُِٰ،مْٱcalculating the flight paths that would enable these historic achievements.

A similar field in the same record includes the sentence:

Before John Glenn orbited the Earth or Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, a group of professionals worked as “Human Computers,” calculating the flight paths that would enable these historic achievements.

I don’t know precisely what went wrong here, but it has happened thoughout the text whenever there are quotation marks (such as around “colored computers”); I assume it is smart quotes-related, as they often don’t copy between formats well. Similarly, apostrophes (such as in “NASA’s golden age”) have migrated in as “#x0;”.


Booker T. Washington : educator / executive producer, Andrew Schlessinger ; produced and directed by Rhonda Fabian, Jerry Baber. (OCLC #25563579)

In the RDA Toolkit’s “MARC Bibliographic to RDA Mapping”, MARC field 508 (Creation/Production Credits Note) corresponds to RDA 2.17.3, Note on Statement of Responsibility (RDA 7.24 on Artistic and/or Technical Credit now directs you to 2.4 and 2.17.3).

In practice, for videos, this field often contains non-cast contributors not listed in the statement of responsibility:

508	__ ǂa Director of photography, Keith Smith ; editing/script,
    Amy A. Tiehl [and others] ; theme music, Michael Keck ;
    introductions by John O'Neal.

Super fly / WB presents the Sig Shore production ; written by Phillip Fenty ; produced by Sig Shore ; directed by Gordon Parks, Jr. (OCLC #41239918)

This work has multiple statements of responsibility, each indicating people or corporate bodies with different roles in its creation, such as writer, producer, or director. When recording such statements in ISBD, each statement following the first one is preceded by space, semicolon, space:

245 00 ǂa Super fly / ǂc WB presents the Sig Shore production ;
    written by Phillip Fenty ; produced by Sig Shore ; directed by
    Gordon Parks, Jr.

Only the ball was white / WTTW Chicago ; produced & directed by Ken Solarz. (OCLC #27955593)

    520 __ ǂa Pays tribute to the many top-flight baseball players
        from the Negro Leagues. Documents a bygone bittersweet era
        in baseball and the men who were denied stardom by the color

RDA on Recording Summarization of Content says to provide a brief objective summary of the content of the expression if this information is considered important for identification or selection and sufficient information is not recorded in another part of the description.

They may be taken from any source.


One drop / Elixer Productions Inc. (OCLC #48113659)

RDA 2.3.2 on Title Proper says to take this element from the preferred source of information, which for videorecordings is the title frame or frames (RDA

245 00 ǂa One drop / ǂc Elixer Productions Inc.

There is an alternative, which is to use a label with a title that is permanently printed on or affixed to the manifestation in preference to the title frame or frames. Policy statements vary on this alternative, with NLA PS and LAC PS saying not to apply the alternative, D-A-CH AWR saying to apply the alternative, and BL PS saying to use cataloguer’s judgement (LC PCC PS provides no guidance). We do not apply the alternative, and instead record any label or container title as a variant title:

246 1_ ǂi Title on cassette label: ǂa One drop rule